Already, we know privacy/piraty...
I know already that anyubody can come into my computer...
I know too that anyone can wait for me and look in my garbage to know what i eat....
I know that when you are naked on the hospital, all the people around look at your sex or your breasts, or your ass...
I know that people who pretend to be christian can't talk about reincarnation but why do we meet every easterday a new jesus?
I know that muslim come from abraham...why can't they accept Israël?
I know that everything that i say an be used against me...
I know the hate created by people who spend their time by looking in the garden of the neighbour, instead of growing their own vegetables...
I know that if you want to taste my strawberrys, you just have to ask me, but don't come to steal in my house!!
I know that society doesnot accept the stranger, l'autre as we say in french...
I know that Bonaparte wanted to be english after Waterloo; because he was betrayed by the ones he put in places...He knew for long ago that only soldiers were his friends....
I know that Hugo went in English Islands after the crowning of 'badinguet'
I know....so many things that i realise that most of people in the world, when they got the possibility of knowing how to read, people buy 'paris match' and not 'le canard enchaîné"....200 years ago, only 1%of people knew to read...But they got INSTRUCTION, and not only by priests....The churches got a long time the hand on education, and the church is something empty that just try to keep power on people...
So, that's why always democratic revolutions collapse after a time: because people don't get interest in spirituality and get used by sects...
Now, religious are quite wise, but the new order is kind of scientist-financial cartel who tries always to move shit to create money:In france, every politician look at economical growth: they want it high?Create a war, create new viruses, organize battles between citizens, sell big cars ready to kill....
Anyway, the hospitals, the weapons are part of the calculation of the growth...
That's why america got this number...
But nothing take part of the social activity, the one who doesnot use money?the one with the wink, the smile, a good handshake?This is not counted in the growth, so that's why people ruled by economy don't think it's useful...In the same way, try to express art in merchandized world...Doesnot exist: Mozart, vangogh died in misery, and always cropseller make more money that farmers, and cocacola steals all water in the place they put their factorys...
Never Forget: spirituality is inside...