One of my friend got a huge trouble...His exwife is trying to steal her daughter by anykind of ways...After moving to USA(We could talk a lot about relationships between english and french but i have to admit that those two cultures are the less world-open ...not more than 10-15% of french can talk in english...And it's much more worse on he other sense, the french language is too huge already for french:that's the main reason infact why my friend is afraid, because she will lose a huge part of knowledge...), she tried to kill him, or at least hurting him enough , by organising meetingpoint with her boyfriend and other guys...She was with another girl, and both deny!!!!
Since 9 months, he's trying just to get normal justice but lyers win: why french police is so obsolete?
ask to a shaman: put them all in the same room, with cops, and give them ayahuasca or hawaïaan mushroom: we will see who say the truth....
My friend is still hurt in his back: he's quite sure he wont gain back total health: but most of all, the way that the lawyers of his wife still pretend the contrary, and try to put it normal that a father get killed by the mother...I feel like talking about Barbarian time, but no...It's just now in France, country which pretend to respect human rights.....