Alcazar and Alhambra are the realisation of an accomplished Islam, even if now, in Spain, it's said that everywhere an arab made a shit grow a palm tree.
Stop Racism...
Stop Blabla and bad images...LEt's look about the pure beauty...gardens and citadels; in many ways, we can compare the alhambra to the hanging gardens of Babylone...
I' d like to speak about the coran and Muhamad, because i'm very displeased to hear Mr Bush Jr Talking about Crusade, to minimize and justify the exactions they made in Irak, and although preparing the same shit in Iran, and why not in Turkey????
In France, in Netherland, in Belgium, in Italy, In greece, In germany, in England (etc....!!!!!!)We already know so many muslim friends that it could be bad to put bad words (religion) into the discussion...
War? no thanks...http://www.islamicarchitecture.org/architecture/palaces/thealhambra.html
In fact, to finish, if christians say that jesus is a jew, they have to admit that mohammed is a christian and a jew, in the way that he accepts the storys of moses, jesus and Abraham.
On this idea, let's meditate about ismael and israel, brothers as frank en frei...