I would like to talk about the war of independance from the united states against the english crown.
Because french came there...and helped americans to create a new world, as huge american spirit from this time gave hope to french citizen to throw away our old but extremly powerful monarchy...
Ther french army was put away from america by english but settlers were still there.
And, of course, mainly french migrants were farmers who made good relations with indians...let's talk about louisiana, cajun, quebec, jacques cartier and baton rouge...
Never forget blues was born in La Nouvelle Orléans (what you call new orleans, just like new amsterdam, changed into new york...So much symbolism infact)
That's why the french and the young americans were strong enough to put england away...
After started the great idea of modern democraty; the young american, states decide to have a constitution that protects citizen...Still in England, there is no constitution, and even with the european constitution, they still refuse to destroy their old stupîd monarchy into a real republican democratic system...Anyway, the times they are-a-changin'
Another interesting thing; the declaration was written on hemp paper.Legalize it, don't criticize it...