I often talk about religions, and the way they are used..
If we get an interest in the war in yougoslavia, and especially in Bosnia, we can find out a lot of strong ideas.
Sarajevo was a 'small Istambul', inside Europe; i mean that all kind of religions lived together ; christians (catholics, orthodoxs), muslims , jews, gipsys...All the families were mixed and infact, nobody knew exactly which kind of religion he was coming from, and nobody complained, because the 'communist' idea led by Tito fit exactly to the south-slavian society.
But after his death started the cutting of the country.
New chiefs planned the war to get more power by becoming a small king than to be part of a federal gouvernment...
I feel quite concerned about this war, because in France we all people who went there (4 hours of flight from Paris) as 'casques bleus' to work for UN, to keep peace.They tried to organize football games between communauties, and to still supply food to the poorest.But so many died killed by snipers that now in France (and more after events like the Rwanda), most of soldiers refuse to play the police and be 'human targets' for guerilla, as it happens now in Irak for English, or in Afghanistan for lots of nationalities!!that's fun to see that after having put war in Afghanistan, in Irak for a long time (we don't see the end), the Bush administration talk about making war in Iran!!!
I give an idea; i agree but i would like to see in first line all the people who really want it, Dick Shenney for example.I am not sure that he would take the same speach if he would have to walk in the streets of Teheran....
Sarajevo was a symbol; a symbol for the peace between religious communauties, out of dogmas, but a dilution into a nation...
After, afghan mudjaidhin , serbian milicians from Beograd came in Bosnia to fight, where they killed women and children...
Although a lot of sexual agressions were reported, which emphasis the tragedy...
Still now the peace is very fragile, because Bosnia has been divided in Cultural entities; i mean that in the future the division will come again...The youth there has no future except in Europe.
Blocked between catholics orthodoxs, and muslims, Sarajevo is still now a cultural border.
But the rise of islamists in Turkey may have a cruel incidence in the rest of Europe and Sarajevo is always a good signal for the health of Europe....