According to Toynbee, cities were built around old temples of nomads; so the priests were the first class of humans who receive food in paiement of a work not connected with the need of eating(i volontary exclude the idea of prostitution which was not really a job at this moment but more a necessity for weak people to get food from warlords or hunters...).
So if the first priests were really "shaman" (i should say mystic or ermit to englobe all cultures), natural thinkers nomads who settled down, for a lots of reasons that we could imagine (age, lust for peace, "vision" of civilisation-in fact most of cities, even in modern times, were created by dreamers), after a while, people got interest in the fonction of priests, this kind of unuseful people who just live in crazy world and eat for free.So warriors started to kill the priests , to take their clothes...They thought that just making the same gests or saying the same word, or sometimes eating the priests or taking parts of his body (cock, testicles, hands, heads, hearts, ,nipples, clitoris....so much stupidities existed in ancient times) to put in in bottles, in alcool or burning in fire (cf Titus from Shakespeare) would give them their wisdom and, why not, their power if you think about famous magicians as Akhneaton, Moses or even the one we used to call Jesus, or the legendary Merlin....
And in fact, because of this corruption created by the will of power (materialist power that doesnot fit with spirituality), systems who were created by the mix of spiritual knowledge and military hierarchy could stay in a balance between inn and yang, feminine educative civilisation or masculine warrior cities (Delphes-Sparte zum beispiel).
Anytime that the civilisation lives in peace a long time, and become lazy about their military training, came barbarians or other civilization, more advanced in war technology (for ex. spanish conquistadors made war the muslim in granada, and after went to america where they destroyed incas and aztecs empires, old conquerors settles in peaceful civilisations...
So came the idea of the 'strength of a culture', and that's what we call religion (from religere; tie or relie, even if people disagree about this root).Monotheists conquered the world, from canaan to america, through rome and polynesia, but had to face in the 20th century with a new religion state called communism...In china and russia, all people who had knowledges were chased, killed or just locked, administratively destroyed...As nazis made to jews or gipsys, but what petain in France did too, buy forbidding the old knowledges of "herboristerie', herited from greeks, romans and genious from the 16th century...Anyway, that's another subject...
In fact, monotheism has to be explained...
In old Babylone or Old China and Egypt, the emperor is the one who leads spiritual power; he 's elected because he's a god on earth...It's quite the same idea that leads to the pope or to the holy german roman emperor (or anyhow we call him....)...
But, because of the corruption existing in any cult, always people had to stand up and to change the old spiritual ideas...Infact, Confucius, socrate, Zoroastre, Gautama, Jesus, Moise, Ram, the Pale, or any other famous guy from the world history would think the same if they grow up at the same place, and at the same moment; spirituality doesn't fit in matter world but humanity has to live inbetween ; la voie du milieu...
Not really exactly in the middle but in a balance based on the golden number, only common mathematical worldwide link (known by greeks and chinese, and accepted by egyptians or modern science).
Akhenaton, and moses in their time collected the myths around them and met 'god' to prove themselves their own way.so did jesus or mohamed.
But after a while, the books became a trouble, because of their importance books were the 'holy' last memory of our last mystic....First reserved to the elite, popular because of gutemberg, and flushed away by the cultural industry...
But some simple guys managed to determinate a common basis to all cults so did LaoTse in China, but although other people in modern time.
The french revolution in 1789 wanted to change the religion, totally corrupted in cities at this time; so, we changed the name of the god, changed the calendar, stopped the time.....Infact, such a change couldnot be accepted by old monarchys who still were alive because of the christian church.... .... ....
Even the revolution of 1848 was called the 'spring of nations', and in France, the revolution of poets leaded by genious as Lamartine or Hugo was killed by Napoleon 3 with the help of the church and the army....Blablabla and even after, the communist revolution of 1870 was Bloodily defeated....
Anyway, what is made is made, and the work of Charles Dupuis needs attention.
This guy started to unite all the cults in one knowledge, onto french language.At first, he had to work hidden.But after 1789, he realized of the chance of the moment.He finished his masterwork and printed a lot of books.Even if Nazis burnt books, some are still here and , of course, always fall in the good hands...Just like Nestoius's work chased and destroyed in old Ionie totally colonized Asia!!
i give you the link;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_François_Dupuis
but infact, all his work is now in free download in french gouvernment sites;http://gallica2.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k759859
All this was the prelude of the spiritual revolution parallel to the industrial revolution (1850-1915), guided by free spirit like Rudolf Steiner or Helena Blavatsky.
Helena Blavatsky finished the work of dupuis, by completing with asian sources, from the last real shaman (shaman is a mongol word atthe beginning; so never can be called shaman someone who is not mongol or siberian--), from tibet , nepal and of course india.She learned sanscrit, hebrew and decided to write in english, because she had the vision of the future...
Infact, Dupuis, as a pure french, already had a lot of difficulties to unite all old french cultures(France is not united by the language yet, and still because of the jacobinist will, a lot of old cultures are stupidly and violently destroyed (Pays basque, Corse, occitanie, provence, alsace, bretagne et je n'aurais jamais la place de tout mettre ici.....!)...).
The work of Blavatsky is worldwide but except america..
Now, we can mix the strong basis of 'the secret doctrin' with all the messages from the awakening of hopi nation, leaded by old mayas legends.
This is the Challenge for what we already call 'the Golden Age of Aquarius'...