Because poetry and music guide our steps everyday, i decided to mix political revendications to cultural expansion through this site.
So, i looked into french culture to find out those (few) who decided to express themselves in another language than this huge and imperialistic old french...
For exemple, Nino Ferrer...
nothing more to say about this genious, just to share...
After the fall of the wall in Berlin, he got an inspiration...
(roll another, brother nino, take it easy make it last...)
Notre Chère Russie
Tchekhov Lermontov Khrouchtchev Brejnev,
Spoutnick Bolchevick Vladivostock.
Nitchevo Jivago Tchernobyl,
Baïkal Oural Moujik Aral.
Saint-Pétersbourg, Lénine Staline Trotski,
Baïkonour, Dostoïevski,
Kolkhoz Ukase, Blinis Caviar Caucase,
Cuirassé Potemkine, Gagarine Pouchkine
Niet Niet Raspoutine!
[Refrain] :
Pravda Vodka Balalaïka,
Apparatchik Perestroïka.
Goulag Molotov Kopeck Neva,
Glasnost Gorbatchev Bolchoï Volga.
Rachmaninov, Rachmaninov Popov,
Soljenitsine, Anna Karenine,
Soviet Suprême, Altaï Sovkhoz Ukraine,
Cuirassé Potemkine, Gospodine Eltsine
Niet Niet Raspoutine!
Pravda Vodka Balalaïka,
Apparatchik Perestroïka.
Goulag Molotov Kopeck Neva,
Glasnost Gorbatchev Bolchoï Volga.
Thank you, brother...
A last word to speak about Alaska...USA stole Alaska to russians in 1917...In a few time, this question will be one of the most crucial of this world...
And about Bering...Some drunk people see two heads face to face...One looks as a woman, one as a man...And we know that america was first colonized by people coming from bering, iced...And never forget that Sanfrancisco was first founded by russians and that vikings establish colonies who, of course mixed with population there (amerindians were too wise to loose an occasion to mix the blood!)...