We all know someone who has some knowledges in homéopathy and who helps friends and family when they can..But we don't realize that behing this easy way of first understanding is hidden a huge system of healing based on theories mixed onto several cultures; asian, european, african, american and oceanic roots.The idea is to use a substance and to diluate it into water a lot of times ...for most of products, there are no matter left from the first substance.Of course, you have to accept the principle of the "memory of water" to admitt that still the information stays in the pill, but we go into a scientific conflict and blablabla...
In india, they use homeopathy as the basis of their health system and that's very cheap, and not worse than the occidental allopathic syctem.
Infact, the best system would make work the two points of view together, on the interest of the patient..
""Homeopathy is a system of medical treatments developed by the German physician Hahnemann (1755-1843). Classical homeopathy attributes the effectivity to the following hypothetical principles. The first is is the similia principle: equal things are cured by equal means (similia similibus curantur). One first obtains a complete picture of all complaints of the patient. Next one searches for a preparation that produces in high doses symptoms in healthy persons that correspond with the complaints of the patient. This is called the individuality principle. The regular medical therapy of the 18th and 19th century used toxic remedies. This has stimulated the development of homeopathy. The similia principle was in those times opposed to the allopathic principle, that was supposed to cure by opposites (contraria contrariis curantur)."
So to resume in 2 phrases;
- similia similibus curantur
- contraria contrariis curantur
so, (out of surgery) the 2 ways of healing a disease are up to the doctor, or the patient.But infact a lot of people deny homeopathy.They compare it to placebo (which is different in the definition, and in the realisation because if there's nothing in a placebo, there's at least the information in homeopathic pills).
Homeopathy has to fight now just to merge the head out of the water...And to talk about energy.Now in France, big laboratoryes want to destroy the small one, with crazy laws...Now every lab has to pay a lot of money just to put a product on the market.Big lab just want to have 50 or 64 products, when some small lab already use more than 1000.So, when everybody talks about 'health system', everybody look at the money, and not at the 'real mission' of any people who pretend to work in a health company...
Let's meditate about it..
PS; we can use snake poison in homeo pills, but although minerals , stone...If the globalization still allows the research, the world coulod find out how to heal from anything, just by looking for all the plants, rocks and things that exist all around the globe....