SO i got the choice to celebrate but...the one i choose is this one;
The crowning of Henri of Medecis as King of France the 13th february 1575, after having king of poland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrician_Articles)
But in wikipedia, they are wrong...about things; henri was not a soldier but kind of poet...Educated by Nostradamus, and more interested in dance, jewelry, games than war or duels..He spent all this time by organizing games, sex parties (totally forbidden by the church) and that's why a monk killed him...In fact, that's a pity because he used to go everyday in monasteries, so he couldnot expect an attack from someone who has entered religion ...
The legend says he spent 6 months in Venice on nhis way between Poland and France.When he arrived, he came with the sun that venitians didnot see for months...So he stayed months there, taking advantage of the situation but took too much time to come back in France and lost her love , the famous "princesse de Cleves"...(all routes lead to ROme...)
Anyway, the english version of wikipedia is all false(exept the nickname "prince of sodome", he was used to be called 'concierge du louvre' too, and although the relations with quinn elizabête), i invite you on the french page; to discover the last direct line from Lorenzo de Medicis, leader of renaissance in Florence...