If you love somebody, set them free...
Look far away into the past...
the first "civilized" exchange between tribes were food, and just after came the seeds, surely before the tools ,the clothes and the weapons...All big civilization develop their own way of working on mother earth, with a lot of genious and humility, with time and labour...So if incas, aztecs , mayas and other american civilizations were masters in vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, paprika...), chinese crossed trees to get fruits (all coming from rosaceae) and celts develop rendement by using tools in iron.
We don't know infact what happened to the civilization living in the sahara before the desertification, and especially why they destroyed their land.But we know that some civilizations left the cities to come back to work in the fields, like the last mayas in guatemala or the civilization that created the palace of Angkor...
We know that if all peoples got their own cereal (manioc in Africa, corn in america, rice in china...), the wheat was known in all the planet, but with at least 400 different varieties...Now, we just got only 4 or 5 hybrides to make our white bread.
Same thing happen with tomatoes, because we just eat rond tomatoes, and forget about the hundreds of differents forms and tastes...If amazonian people knew how to use, cook, recognize, and sometimes cultivate or at least preserve more than 8000 plants, now the big company still make the war to tthe nature by forbidding by force or with economical reasons a lot of natural treatments in the aim of selling more chemical products.
The war against the "transgenic industry", lead by the last earthworkers who still want to keep the right to exchange and reuse their own seeds may look definitely lost.But the seeds can't be stopped, even if we try to put a brevet on them, it just look like people who sell parts of the moon!...And mother earth always give back attacks made by materialist ideas;so new virus against new antidotes, new poison against new therapies....the technology is very important to preogress and the research has to be payed not only by company but by independant committees, otherway anything can be said in the name of money...But most of time, we should recognize that science is unable to synthetize the plants, and especially with psychotrops, strong as cannabis indica or papaverum somniferum, or apparently more simple, like valeriana officinalis or hypericum perforatum (Stjohn's wort)...Infact still the nature has secret for us, poor stupid humans...and even we look further in the sky, we'll find more stars and if we look inside mother earth, we'll always find smaller and smaller particles...
The world is crazy but if you have to complain, never forget that nobody's has never seen the boss in the factory, and we all know that now, all decisions are taken by financial experts...
PS ; i took the picture on http://www.kitchengardeners.org/2006/05/arctic_noahs_arc.html, very interesting article, but never forget that the nature is on constant change and evoloution so freezing is not a solution, but mostly preserve our environment.....