How funny to think that this word create as a smile on your lips...
But if we don't think about, maybe the real cheese will disappear in a few years and with this, taste and natural strength for the belly.
Since Pasteur, we discovered that boiling a liquid kill most of bacterias inside...That's why, since a long time, in french villages, people were used to drink 'tisane' (boiled water with herbs) instead of pure water, which was reserved to the sources (Quelle in german), owned by lords or communauties.Now, quite all the traditional sources, known as wonderful are poisoned by the excessive use of pesticids and any kind of chemical products.But that's another subject; Retournons à nos moutons;
(and infact, if you boil the milk of sheep, you lose a lot of taste.)
So, We decided to boil the milk for the cheese, for 'safe' reasons...
But if we look into the structure of water, we discover a huge change after 42°C, maximum temperature accepted by human body.
So boiled milk is maybe safe and enough for materialistic reasons, but lots of informations for our bodies get lost in this operation.
Our stomach is made by bacterias; and the first aliment is milk.But infact, humans don't have a lot of milk and we lose a lot of quality by filtering between baby and mum.Animals give milk to human, that's a fact.So we would be stupid not to use it.
When we're young, pure milk is adapted to our body...But with time, our stomach get old, and when milk gets old, it turns into cheese.so cheese replaces milk in the alimentation for adults.the nearest milk from human are horses or donkeys.But the quantity is low and the cheese not really nice.Just after come the goats, brought in France by arabic smala of muslim conquerors in the beginning of the 8th century.After the sheep, and at least the cows.It's interesting to find out that when quality goes down, quantity goes up, but it's a natural law.(we can compare it to yang and inn, energy and matter, kinetic energy and potential energy, Time and Space, Laurel and Hardy)...
Mostly for economical reasons, and although because of the loss of traditions, old ways of making cheese disappears more and more and if some farmers like José Bové make cross clandestinly the atlantic ocean a real roquefort from his caves to make it taste to surprised americans, a lot of people get anxious about the situation.Already the traditional Camembert is quite lost.If still goat cheese will resist (just because goats can't enter in a factory), the cow cheese today are more build with chemical bacterias to obtain typical taste (just like the modern wine-i don't want to scare you!!) than with traditional and natural growth...
When we discover the way people used to build caves for the cheese, and when we realize that the place, the weather, and of course the origin of the milk (it means the personality of the animal and the quality of its alimentation) have strong incidence on the taste, that after the choice of the place in the fridge or outside (humidity and light) acts on the texture, on the smell, on the savour and of course on the reaction created by all this small mushrooms appearing on the surface of the cheese.
That's why in corcica they traditionally let cheese years before eating (moutain style, as in savoy or switzerland).
In fact, the only troubles come after with the flies and other small insects that put eggs inside and worms that eats the cheese.I had two grandfathers, two ways of dealing with cheese in old France...one didnot eat any cheese, and the other one could eat the contaminated cheese after putting away the worms..Personnaly, i can't.But i like my cheese, away from flies, and ols and young, rotten with all kind of taste in the mouth that educate our body.
Crazy thing to finish the palate (palatum) where you get the center of the sense called taste, is called 'palais' in french (means Palace).Just to show the importance we give in France to this sense, not as famous as the others, infact!