Let's talk about world history and the way Japan had to change his soldiers into businessman.
During the WW2, japan was allied to german, mostly to be against england, us and ussr...The objective infat was to push americans away from the islands of the pacific...Some details have to be known about the pacific war, so far away from the european theater of war..
Infact, japanese are quite discrete about this war, if we look their movies, nor books, compared to hollywood point of view...
But most of the books for the youth take place in a future quite sad, quite always after a huge natural cataclysm, when they don't directly talk about nuclear disaster...
We, europeans, have to know that japanese declared war to Washington before attacking Pearl Harbor, which has not been transmitted to the basis, to make a false feeling of 'sneaky' attack...
In the same way, we have to know that the soldiers who put the first bomb in Hiroshima didn't know what they had in their plane.The pilot gave to the plane the name of his mother!!
Enola Gay (orchestral manoeuvres in the dark)
Enola gay, you should have stayed at home yesterday
Aha words cant describe the feeling and the way you lied
These games you play, theyre gonna end it more than tears someday
Aha enola gay, it shouldnt ever have to end this way
Its 8:15, and thats the time that its always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and youre coming home
Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, its never ever gonna fade away
Enola gay, it shouldnt ever have to end this way
Aha enola gay, it shouldnt fade in our dreams away
Its 8:15, and thats the time that its always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and youre coming home
Enola gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, its never ever gonna fade away
The Target Committee at Los Alamos on May 10–11, 1945, recommended Kyoto, Hiroshima, Yokohama, and the arsenal at Kokura as possible targets. The committee rejected the use of the weapon against a strictly military objective because of the chance of missing a small target not surrounded by a larger urban area. The psychological effects on Japan were of great importance to the committee members. They also agreed that the initial use of the weapon should be sufficiently spectacular for its importance to be internationally recognized. The committee felt Kyoto, as an intellectual center of Japan, had a population "better able to appreciate the significance of the weapon." Hiroshima was chosen because of its large size, its being "an important army depot" and the potential that the bomb would cause greater destruction because the city was surrounded by hills which would have a "focusing effect".[6]
Infact, this last century sounds in my hand like the worse ever...Such a cynism, such a disrepect for human life; old people, children, and animals!!!!!
After hiroshima on the 6-8, Nagaski was bombed too on the 9-8, and Japan signed terrible reddition on the 15-8...
They had no rights to have an army, strong event for such a military society...
Anyway, they transform their soldiers in artist, businessman, engineers, and Japan is now the world leader in computers for entertainment, their cultural production is one the most dense and interesting, and they develop so many concept that they create a huge fascination for a lot of young french, fed with japanese cartoons, or computer games....
An another thing to know; in japan, there are many people who live more than 100 years, and that means something for the wisdom of a society...