Happy new year!
since 2 days we entered in the year of the rat of fire, which could mean more...
Yesterday was 'Mardi gras' as we say in France (fat tuesday), and so today is the beginning of the christian period called "lent" in english (means slow in french), called "carême" in french (with the chinese hat on the e).
So this day is called ASH WEDNESDAY.
Interesting to see that on the entry 'mardi gras' in wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mardi_gras) they present lots of country under this french gimmick but not France..Infact, France was always a 'one religion' state, it means that because catholics always exterminates or kick away jews, muslims, any kind of reformated churches, cathares, freethinkers(Descartes had to live and die abroad, Hugo himself went in exile...)...So when there's only one religion (and one king, because of this religion -the wedding with barbarians rules and spiritual hierarchy- the place for contestation is always occupied by atheist, i mean people who refuse religions.And this opposition was hard but strong (and always sadly destroyed) during Old times of Monarchy...
Victor hugo started his book 'Notre dame de Paris ' (the hunchback of Notredame, strange translation infact) on an event from carnaval, very popular 4 centuries ago in France called 'la fête des fous' (the party of the crazys?i can't really translate 'fou', because a 'fou' used to be respected in France, as in Old China..Fou means crazy, weird and mad but not only in a pejorative way infact we used to say that newton, enstein or rousseau were 'fou génial', which is a compliment...in chess, the 'fou' is the name for the bishop...).
"La fête des fous" was a time were all the conventions were pushed away, and especially respect to the church...This became forbidden at a moment, by the creation of the modern french state, first limited by François 1st and after definitely forbidden under Richelieu; http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fête_des_Fous for those who can read french...
Infact, even if we don't admit it, in our societys, everything is related to religion, i mean dogmas of spirituality.
Creating a time for retreat (lent) will create in reaction Carnaval, where all excess are admitted, because quite everything is prohibited after...
When we look further, we realize that all the calendar moment are influenced by the sun and the moon.
The sun gives days, quite equals per year (even if time, uncatchable, is always a changing entity), and the moon directs the weather , so the period during the year, what we shematize as months.
It gives us a first part of observation, that all religion are connected on their basis on the observance of the natural cycles, according to the botanical and animal observations and the feelings of our bodys (cold or warm, wet or dry) that make us feel as one with mother earth if we just accept this simple hierarchy; that after the cells came the plants and the animals, and at least this stupid destroyer monkey called (by himself) Homo Sapiens (wiseman) who still turn around his tomb while trying to get the sens of his life...
That's the aim of this blog, right now, to express the call of the nature through the different cultures of the world.
Trying to get the way to the system of the perfect balance between right and left, right and wrong, true and false, sky and earth, girls and boys, vegetables and trees, mice and rats, dogs and cats, adults and children, spirituality and materialism.
At this time when the material waves cretaed by manchild (phonecells, internet, and although CO2) escape to the control of the humans to become a terrible power in the hands of mother earth, quite ready to blow us out from the ground, communication for respect of our environment and all living being of the planet is becoming the real challenge for the future...
PS ; the choice of pictures is not a wish for the future of human but just the memory of barbaries, who touched symbols as Venus or civilizations as Carthago...